Embracing AI

Ari Baum |

I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about AI. It’s the latest tech wave sweeping across society. Presenting a significant shift that many are just beginning to navigate. Are you prepared to embrace its potential, or would you prefer to look the other way?

Sometimes change can feel like a tough pill to swallow, especially when it involves new technology. But it can also lead to so many great new things. Just like preparing for a marathon, embracing new technology requires dedication and training. It’s not about fear, but about understanding its potential to transform our lives.

Several years ago, my mother-in-law embraced technology in a way that changed her life. Her mother was living in Israel, more than 5,000 miles away. She was only able to see her the few times she was able to fly there. Then FaceTime was introduced in 2010, and they were able to see each other every day. As my wife’s grandmother aged, this turned into such an incredible gift for the whole family.

In the evolution of portfolio construction, Artificial Intelligence has been a game-changer for our T15 Investing Formula. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI removes the emotional responses that often derail investor success. Instead, our portfolios are constructed with objective analysis instead of human bias. Making our portfolios more resilient and aligned with your goals than ever before.

In the marathon towards retirement, AI is our trusted companion, guiding us towards your financial finish line. It’s about harnessing technology to optimize strategies to secure your future.

I can’t wait to demonstrate how we use it to conceive, believe, and achieve a future that’s not just successful but downright awesome.